Sunday, 23 October 2011

Becoming a blogger and who I am as a writer

This is all new to me, the whole blogging thing and I am not sure what my goals and objectives are for starting up this blog. I quess I am hoping to establish an online presences as a writer but i am also hoping that this blog gives me an alternative platform for delivering my writing to the world.
The sort of subjects that I will be writing about will be poetry, art because I am also a visual artist, I will post pictures of artwork on here also. I will write about living with mental illness because I suffer from Bipolar 2. I will write about animals, nature and living in the country. And anything that I feel passionately about

Anyway, the blog is a work in progress and I will include more as I figure out more.

So, on to the first item open for discussion.... Who am I as a writer?

I am not the most intellectual person, I value education and knowledge highly maybe even above all else, but I am very aware of how much I don't know. As a writer I think I am ok, I don't think that I am exceptional but the feedback I get from others is usually pretty good so I don't really know how good my self assessment skills are. I love words, I love learning new words but I do feel that my vocabulary limits my writing sometimes. I have memory issues and find it difficult to remember many of the new words I learn. I don't know if my poor memory is due to medication or the Electro Convulsive Therapy I have had or I just have a poor memory, everybody I talk to about it has a different opinion so I don't bring it up too often. I have got off track. I was trying to define who I am as a writer. I am a poet mainly, I like to paint pictures or evoke emotions with words. I find poetry both writing and reading it very satisfying. There tends to be an economy of words in poetry, it gets to the heart quickly and concisely. Good poetry, in my opinion, doesn't waffle it says what needs to be said in as few words as possible. Some people say that writing poetry is easy but it is not, the poet must be able to master their words because they must be able to tell their story in a much shorter timeframe than a short story or a book. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth!

    I look forward to reading some of your poetry in the future.

    Fellow writing student,
    Katherine :)
